Download the latest version released from the following link:, extract the zip and enter the bot folder for the following steps.
Open the command prompt (terminal) INSIDE THE PROJECT FOLDER and execute the commands below:
npm i -g yarn
yarn install
To see the installation guide on TERMUX: Click HERE
Inside the project folder after carrying out all the previous steps, execute this command.
yarn start
After the first initialization, scan the QR Code with your cell phone.
After all the previous steps done, your bot should now be starting normally, use the commands below to view the available commands.
!menu - Gives access to the MAIN MENU.
!admin - Gives access to the ADMINISTRATOR/BOT OWNER MENU.
All commands now have a guide when typing !guide command
# ACRCLOUD - Coloque abaixo suas chaves do ACRCloud (Reconhecimento de Músicas)
# DEEPGRAM - Coloque abaixo sua chave do DEEPGRAM (Transcrição de aúdio para texto)
To use the ADMINISTRATOR functions, type !admin for the first time when starting the BOT and then your number will be registered as the owner.
Okay, now you have access to the ADMIN commands. Use !nomebot , !nomeadm , !nomesticker to customize your bot's name in menus and on stickers, and see all administrator commands with !admin .
To use specific commands such as !qualmusica and !ouvir it is necessary to first configure the API keys in the .env, below is a complete guide with images to obtain the keys.
Detailed information on how to obtain NewsAPI(News), ACRCloud(Music Recognition) and DEEPGRAM (Audio to Text) keys : Click HERE
Some people may have problems installing dependencies on Termux, this could be because the internet connection is not stable enough or the Termux version is out of date, Termux from the Play Store has not been updated for years so I provide here a Official apk from the developers of Termux.
If you want to get in touch, I'll try to respond to emails, or open an issue here on GitHub explaining the problem.
- Baileys Library.Samuel/samucacastro
- API development